Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I don't know how many followed my old blog would have known that I've graduated from medical school. I mean, it was a silence for a while since I never mentioned anything about work then, and it's been travelling here and there and all. Heck if I were to really do so without work, Bangkok, Beijing, Singapore, Bangkok again, Singapore again... I think I would have been totally broke. Like D'oh, of course I work! LMAO.

And hence.

The spin-off.

My life as a medical slave.

Many would have thought it was a dream come true. I thought so myself. I mean, darn, I even had the quote in my old blog that it was a blog to carry the journey or the daily lives of a medical student who finally entered medical school and is becoming a medical doctor. But with the quality of life as a medical doctor in Malaysia, you would have thought otherwise.

Then again...

There are lots of things I wanna share in my day to day living.

Apart from my travelling which I am more than happy to brag about. But yes, I shall talk about my work here.

It's not ethical of course. I think. But this is all anonymous. Or at least I tried to make it that way.


Welcome to Medielicious spin-off - On the Brink of Life and Death...
